Practical Information

The school venue is located in the hotel «Grand Rezort» in Basivka. The distance from Lviv to Basivka is 15 km.

Coordinates of The hotel «Grand Rezort»:
Pustomitovsky district
Basivka village

Several practical informations:

The next Trans-European School of High Energy Physics will be held at the Hotel "«Grand Rezort»" in Basivka, Ukraine from July 17th to July 24th, 2014. All participants should arrive in the evening of July 16 and leave on July 25 morning.

The nearest airport is the Lviv airport with direct flights from Kiev, Warsaw and Vienne.

On the day of arrival and the day of departure, the bus will be organised between Lviv and the school venue.

Web site of the French ambassy in Ukraine: